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Employment for Neurodiverse Adults

Hosted by ADDA-SR

Saturday, February 22, 9:00am -12:30pm - 3 CEs
Westview School, 1900 Kersten Drive, Houston, TX 77043

Neurodiverse individuals often struggle to successfully transition into young adulthood and beyond. This event is designed for neurodiverse adults ages 16 – 40 and up, parents of neurodiverse adult children and those who work with them. The basics of transition planning in all stages, (school to work, new jobs and between jobs) and barriers to employment will be addressed. You will learn how to register with TWC, get a VR counselor, what to expect and what kinds of services are available.

A variety of options will be presented to insure a successful move to employment.


Road to Employment, Anna Kluth, BS

This session will address the basics of transition planning and focus on utilizing local resources to support individuals with disabilities in their employment journey. Anna reinforces that with the right guidance and access, individuals can successfully transition into meaningful employment. She will cover the support needed at all stages of employment, common barriers and employment statistics. Anna will share the top 5 strengths of the neurodiverse and jobs that require them. Attendees will gain practical strategies and knowledge of essential resources to support their career paths.  

TWC- Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Eric Prim, BS 

The purpose of VR services is to assist individuals with disabilities prepare for, obtain, and maintain competitive employment through individualized assessments, counseling, training, job placement assistance, and other support services. TWC-VRS aims to empower their customers to achieve economic self-sufficiency and full integration into the workforce.  In this session you will learn about eligibility, criteria, service delivery, collaboration with employers, and the role of the VR counselors in the process.

Help! What Comes Next? Michelle Joseph, EdD

Neurodiverse individuals often struggle to successfully transition into young adulthood and beyond. The social, cognitive, and organizational requirements of college, employment, and independent living can be challenging for these adolescents as they strive to adapt to new environments. Their diversity presents unique abilities to see the world differently which impact their significance in the world. This session will address the many post-secondary options as they enter young adulthood and move beyond.

Click Here to Register

​Speaker Bios

Michele Joseph, EdD currently serves as Founding Head of the Gateway Academy. She has 13 years of experience in the public schools as a Learning Resource teacher and Behavior Analyst. From 1999-2006, she served as Principal at The Joy School in Houston, Texas. In 2006, she opened Gateway Academy, a middle/high school and young adult program for neurodiverse students. Her dissertation is entitled Post-High School Outcomes of Neurodiverse Students. Dr. Joseph served on the ADDA-SR Professional Advisory Council.


Anna Kluth, BS is a professional with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Family Studies and Human Development from the University of Houston, complemented by a minor in Education. With over 12 years of dedicated experience in small and large nonprofits, she has established herself as a compassionate and skilled leader in advocacy and transition planning for young adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and other neurodiversities.  Her work has consistently involved collaboration with students, parents, employers, vendors, agencies, and organizations committed to serving individuals with disabilities.


Eric Prim, Community Outreach and Awareness Specialist with TWC
Mr. Prim is a Southern University A&M College graduate in Baton Rouge, LA, receiving a bachelor's degree in Recreation Therapy and Leisure Services.  Eric has a long-time professional career in program development working with individuals in the community providing resources for mental health, housing, and medical services.  A proud native of Shreveport, LA, Eric moved to Houston in 2001 to better his career. Since then, he has assisted in building partnerships for outpatient programs, freestanding psychiatric hospitals, primary care franchises, home health facilities, as well as hospice and palliative care agencies. Cultivating relationships has allowed Eric to be knowledgeable on various subject matters and he brings his talents and expertise to Vocational Rehabilitation and the Texas Workforce Commission.




Road to Employment, Anna Kluth, BS

Participants will be able to:

  • discuss the basic of transition planning at any age

  • access resources for employment support

  • review post-secondary opportunities that can lead to gainful employment and independence


TWC- Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Eric Prim, BS

Participants will be able to:

  • identify how TWC helps individuals with disabilities prepare for, obtain, and maintain competitive employment.

  • review how TWC empowers their customers to achieve economic self-sufficiency and full integration into the workforce. 

  • discuss eligibility, criteria, service delivery, collaboration with employers, and the role of the VR counselors in the process.


Help! What Comes Next? Michelle Joseph, EdD

Participants will be able to:

  • identify key indicators for success in young adulthood.

  • review programming structure that supports growth in key areas.

  • attain a list of the many post-secondary options.

Click Here to Register

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